Evernote todo list app
Evernote todo list app

evernote todo list app

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evernote todo list app

The beauty of using reminders is that when I complete a task – I can click on the checkbox beside it, and it will be crossed out, and removed from the screen the next time I check the todo list. ☆ I usually use the “note” icon and type what I want to be reminded of in the title, and any details I need in the body of the note. to type a note, add a voice note or take a picture or). ☆ Using Evernote to display and add to a ToDo List is so freaking easy, fast and effective! To add a note, just click on one of the shortcuts at the top of the widget (e.g. ☆ The other options are to show which shortcuts you want displayed in the widget, and which of the 2 themes you want to use. As I mentioned before, my “todo list” is housed in the “GSD” notebook I made. And then select a notebook to save notes you make using the widget. ☆ Click the “Sort” option – and I select “Date”. I’m using “Reminders” because I add a reminder to all my “todo list” notes. ☆ Under “List Options” Click “Show” and decide on which system you’ll setup to show your notes. ☆ Press the settings button on the widget (which is the last button on the right side). ☆ Add the Evernote List widget to one of your phone’s homescreens (typically, long-pressing a blank, available space on your home screen). Note I use thw web version of Evernote in addition to the app because sometimes, I work with the bigger screen of my laptop. ☆ Make a notebook where all the “To Do list notes” will reside. ☆ Of course, make sure you have the Evernote app installed. On my phone, I have a separate homescreen that displays the Evernote widget with my To Do list.

evernote todo list app

Finally, I have found a digital To Do list management system that works for me, and it uses one of my favorite apps – Evernote – by adding a widget to my (Android) homescreen.

Evernote todo list app